Education & News

Empower Your Well-being: Explore Insights and Updates


  • Unveiling Dietary Harmony: The Significance of Testing Your Food Allergies

    Understanding your body's unique response to different foods is a pivotal step in achieving optimal health. Discover the transformative power of identifying and managing food allergies through testing. Embrace a personalized approach to nutrition, unlock vitality, and embark on a journey to well-being tailored to your individual needs."

  • Elevate Your Wellness: The Vital Role of Supplements

    In the pursuit of well-being, supplements play a crucial role in bridging nutritional gaps and supporting overall health. Explore the importance of incorporating supplements into your routine, ensuring you provide your body with the essential elements it needs for vitality, resilience, and a balanced life. Embrace the power of supplementation on your journey to optimal health.

  • Discover the Balance Within:

    Why Regular Hormone Testing is Key to Nurturing Your Body and Sustaining Optimal Well-being. Learn about the importance of staying informed and proactive in managing your hormonal health for a vibrant and balanced life.


Addressing the physical stress on the body is only a piece of the puzzle! Our clinic also offers the ability to see how the body is functioning on the inside! Through comprehensive testing of the thyroid, liver, endocrine system (hormones), and immune system, you are able to get real answers to the questions you have about your health.
Whether you are struggling with low back pain, low thyroid function, fertility, or autoimmunity, there is HOPE! You may just need aNew perspective when it comes to your health. At aNew Health we merge together medical research with the foundational practices of chiropractic and base our care off of the physiology of the body.

aNew Health’s model is based on the chiropractic philosophy that believes the body is continuously adapting to its environment and the stressors of everyday life. It is believed that the body has the ability for restoration of function, and disease occurs when the body’s natural ability to adapt to life’s stressors; mental stress, environmental toxins, and physical damage.

WE DON’T JUST TREAT SYMPTOMS, We help your body respond to stressors so you can actually heal. Chiropractic care goes beyond just “feeling good” and relief. It’s about helping you heal and become the best version of yourself. With our approach, we work to shift your nervous system from fight or flight mode to rest and digest to achieve balance and regulation. Through specific scientific adjustments, we remove pressure on the nervous system and help the body function at its best.


Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and embark on a journey toward overall health and wellness.

  • Most of our services are not billable to insurance, however, we do accept health savings accounts (HSA) and flex spending accounts (FSA). Our office is cash pay, allowing us to give our patients the care they deserve as well as giving you discounted pricing! If you would like to try to utilize insurance for reimbursement we would be happy to provide you with a superbill.

  • Your first visit is a time for the doctor to get to know you, your health history, and your health goals! The initial health consultation includes a full health history, a comprehensive examination, x-rays (if in person), a review of past lab results, and personal recommendations for care.

  • The initial investment for your health is $150. After gathering the plan from your doctor, the testing that is recommended can range from $80-$400 per test. The appointment to read test results and laying out the personalized plan of care is $300. Follow up consultations are check-ins with the doctor to assess your progress, complete re-exams, and to determine if you need a change or are ready to move forward with your personalized care plan is valued at $250. Supplementation cost is between $10-100 per supplement. Dosage and length of taking each supplement is determined by each patient’s care with health history, test results, and current concerns in mind.

  • Healing takes time, but it is important to know that you are on the right track at aNew Health! The body on average takes 6-9 months for regeneration and health restoration. We want to encourage you to continue on your journey! If you haven’t started your journey, schedule an appointment today. We look forward to help guiding you back to health.